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Special Education Scheduling Software

Streamline student services scheduling. Coordinate and schedule student services with ease while making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Student Services Scheduling

Scheduling Software for Special Education

Efficient and coordinated schedule creation and management for interventionists, special educators, related service providers, and support staff to ensure IEP compliance.

DMSchedules for Special Education scheduling software allows school leaders to schedule and manage individualized student services efficiently and effectively and provides district leaders with real-time access to schedules and insights to balance workloads and identify areas needing support. Homeroom teachers can also access the schedules of their student's special education services and see them side-by-side with homeroom schedules.

Fast & Easy Scheduling

Make the most of every minute, for every student

Enable your special education and support services staff to spend more time delivering quality instruction to students and less time managing schedules with our easy drag-and-drop feature.

Best Practice

Ensure services do not disrupt general education core instruction

With a complete view of a student's schedule, including homeroom and all push-in and pull-out services, ensure student services are scheduled outside of core instruction and avoid conflict with other providers.
DMSchedules can help ensure services do not disrupt general education core instruction

Compliance and Insight

Help staff serve all students according to their needs

Maximize opportunities for delivering IEPs and other student support services to ensure capacity and compliance.  Powerful analytics help you support and manage staff workloads, direct service time, group sizes, and more.

DMSchedules helps staff serve all students according to their needs

Key Features

  • Includes DMSchedules for Elementary School software
  • Staff schedules including (but not limited to):
    • Interventionists
    • Special Education teachers
    • Related services (speech, OT, PT)
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Psychologists/social workers
    • Counselors
    • ELL teachers
  • Caseload builder
  • Service delivery planning (based on IEPs or other student service records)
  • Drag/drop scheduling for student services base on IEP mandates
  • Student grouping guide
  • Compliance support
  • Homeroom schedule integration for targeted service delivery
  • Session conflict notification for students with multiple services and teacher/staff supports
  • Individualized student schedules including general ed. classroom and push in/pull out services
  • Indirect service scheduling (e.g. meetings, lunch, planning)
  • Daily and weekly schedule views
  • Management and Support Insights reporting (e.g. Staff Workload, Direct Service time, Group Size, and more)

What Our Customers Say

  • “We have realized outstanding scores and performance from our students due to the efficient use of support staff's time and the amount of support provided to our students.”


    New Fairfield, CT

  • “It has made it easier to schedule my students and see their complete daily schedule along with related services. The system has helped me confirm that I have all of their minutes accounted for.”

    Special Education Teacher

    Indian Prairie, IL

  • “I am tremendously impressed with your software--it is so needed, and your software and presentation are excellently done.”

    Speech and Language Pathologist

    Hartford School District, VT

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