About Us
DMSchedules is a flagship scheduling product of District Management Group (DMGroup).
Since 2004, DMGroup has focused on combining management techniques with education best practices to address the challenges of K-12 educational institutions across the US. We partner with school and district leaders nationwide and provide them with the best management and educational practices, tools, techniques, and technology to produce measurable, sustainable improvements that help schools and students thrive.

Strategic Scheduling for Students, Staff & Schools
An effective school schedule creates the conditions for student success. School scheduling should be the manifestation of your strong, strategic, and thoughtful plan to align district and school goals with student achievement.
Unfortunately, school schedules are often heavily constrained and diminish the impact of the resources schools have to help meet the needs of all students. Due to the challenging nature of scheduling, schools and staff are often willing to settle for the first schedule that fits all of the necessary pieces in, regardless of whether it best reflects the district's and school's priorities or is optimized to meet the needs of all learners.
To address this challenge, DMGroup developed DMSchedules. DMSchedules is the result of nearly 20 years of experience in developing scheduling best practices and tactics with thousands of school leaders nationwide. Moreover, it responds to a pressing need from our educators to develop strategic schedules quickly and easily.
DMSchedules provides scheduling software and services to school principals to help them create strategic elementary and special education schedules aligned with district priorities and students' needs in a fraction of the time. What used to take weeks can now be done in hours!
We combine DMSchedules scheduling software for elementary school and special education, schedule creation services, professional development, and consulting to help school leaders create and implement strategic schedules that raise achievement, improve equity, and make the most of student and teacher time.